Activity Dashboard


Most Active Players

Callsign Match Count
Moroni 66
ducatiwannabe 46
easy tank 34
15349 31
w339 31
etigah 31
kierra 28
False Flag 27
Hogfish 22
GEP 22
The top 10 players who have participated in the most matches in the past 90 days.

Most Flag Captures

Callsign Cap Count
Moroni 68
ducatiwannabe 47
etigah 32
easy tank 29
mudfreak 29
False Flag 29
Orange Peanut 28
15349 26
GEP 16
Frank the Tank 16
The 10 players who have captured the enemy flag the most in the past 90 days.

Top Killers

Callsign Kill Count
Moroni 1530
ducatiwannabe 939
w339 647
15349 641
easy tank 597
GEP 415
mudfreak 410
False Flag 393
Orange Peanut 324
etigah 319
The top 10 players who have killed the most players in the past 90 days.

Top Victims

Callsign Death Count
Moroni 909
w339 768
ducatiwannabe 754
15349 609
etigah 500
False Flag 495
GEP 475
easy tank 445
mudfreak 399
tankten 352
The top 10 players who have been killed the most in the past 90 days.