Activity Dashboard
Most Active Players
Callsign |
Match Count |
43 |
Moroni |
31 |
w339 |
31 |
ducatiwannabe |
30 |
kierra |
21 |
Bertman |
21 |
False Flag |
20 |
etigah |
19 |
Starburst384 |
17 |
acupuncture |
17 |
The top 10 players who have participated in the most matches in the past 90 days.
Most Flag Captures
Callsign |
Cap Count |
65 |
Moroni |
43 |
w339 |
20 |
etigah |
19 |
False Flag |
18 |
ducatiwannabe |
17 |
Bertman |
16 |
acupuncture |
15 |
Frank the Tank |
14 |
mudfreak |
13 |
The 10 players who have captured the enemy flag the most in the past 90 days.
Top Killers
Callsign |
Kill Count |
1132 |
Moroni |
773 |
w339 |
742 |
ducatiwannabe |
535 |
Bertman |
413 |
False Flag |
382 |
Frank the Tank |
377 |
mudfreak |
346 |
pokrzewka |
247 |
Scarborough |
247 |
The top 10 players who have killed the most players in the past 90 days.
Top Victims
Callsign |
Death Count |
1035 |
w339 |
814 |
False Flag |
458 |
Starburst384 |
449 |
ducatiwannabe |
429 |
Bertman |
425 |
Moroni |
411 |
Scarborough |
307 |
pokrzewka |
294 |
etigah |
283 |
The top 10 players who have been killed the most in the past 90 days.