Activity Dashboard
Most Active Players
Callsign |
Match Count |
Moroni |
66 |
ducatiwannabe |
46 |
easy tank |
34 |
15349 |
31 |
w339 |
31 |
etigah |
31 |
kierra |
28 |
False Flag |
27 |
Hogfish |
22 |
22 |
The top 10 players who have participated in the most matches in the past 90 days.
Most Flag Captures
Callsign |
Cap Count |
Moroni |
68 |
ducatiwannabe |
47 |
etigah |
32 |
easy tank |
29 |
mudfreak |
29 |
False Flag |
29 |
Orange Peanut |
28 |
15349 |
26 |
16 |
Frank the Tank |
16 |
The 10 players who have captured the enemy flag the most in the past 90 days.
Top Killers
Callsign |
Kill Count |
Moroni |
1530 |
ducatiwannabe |
939 |
w339 |
647 |
15349 |
641 |
easy tank |
597 |
415 |
mudfreak |
410 |
False Flag |
393 |
Orange Peanut |
324 |
etigah |
319 |
The top 10 players who have killed the most players in the past 90 days.
Top Victims
Callsign |
Death Count |
Moroni |
909 |
w339 |
768 |
ducatiwannabe |
754 |
15349 |
609 |
etigah |
500 |
False Flag |
495 |
475 |
easy tank |
445 |
mudfreak |
399 |
tankten |
352 |
The top 10 players who have been killed the most in the past 90 days.