Activity Dashboard


Most Active Players

Callsign Match Count
w339 91
GEP 71
ducatiwannabe 53
Moroni 52
Frank the Tank 48
mudfreak 44
kierra 44
Hogfish 42
Cole ll 35
The top 10 players who have participated in the most matches in the past 90 days.

Most Flag Captures

Callsign Cap Count
GEP 81
mudfreak 60
Frank the Tank 57
Moroni 47
osta 41
ducatiwannabe 37
w339 30
False Flag 23
Gort 22
Cole ll 21
The 10 players who have captured the enemy flag the most in the past 90 days.

Top Killers

Callsign Kill Count
w339 2254
GEP 1688
Moroni 1206
Frank the Tank 941
ducatiwannabe 938
mudfreak 932
osta 773
Hogfish 654
kierra 570
Cole ll 538
The top 10 players who have killed the most players in the past 90 days.

Top Victims

Callsign Death Count
w339 2460
GEP 1447
Frank the Tank 865
mudfreak 818
ducatiwannabe 730
Hogfish 704
Cole ll 692
False Flag 639
Moroni 634
Bertman 617
The top 10 players who have been killed the most in the past 90 days.